BRL Brow Lift Surgery
Procedure Low or straight eyebrows can cause aesthetic concerns and affect the visual field. Eyebrows can be lifted and reshaped under a local anaesthetic with a scar at the upper end of the eyebrow (=Direct brow lift) or with a scar in the temporal hair line (=Temporal brow lift). An endoscopic (=key–hole surgery) brow lift with 5 incisions behind the hairline or a frontal brow lift require a general anaesthetic. The frontal hairline can also be lowered with an incision along its hairline. An endoscopic or frontal brow lift will also lift the forehead. The wounds are repaired with sutures under the skin which do not require removal and dissolve within four months. A gliding brow lift is a modification of the temporal brow lift, where stitches are placed through the skin between the brows and the wound to hold the tissues in place. Although this has an unusual appearance, these sutures are removed after two days and don’t usually leave visible scars; the deep sutures in the wound will remain and dissolve gradually. For endoscopic or frontal brow lifts, a head bandage is applied for a week.
Scars Direct: Along upper eyebrow Temporal: Temporal hairline 3-4cm Endoscopic: Behind hairline Frontal hairline: For combined brow lift and forehead lift / reduction
Operation time 1 hour for direct, hairline and temporal lift. 3 hours for endoscopic lift
Anaesthesia Local for direct and temporal lift. General for frontal and endoscopic lift
Hospital Stay Day Surgery > (Overnight)
Benefits Aesthetic, Psychological, Functional
Risks Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks: Bleeding, Infection, Scar problems (stretched, thick, abnormal pigmentation, red, retracted etc.), Skin discoloration, Skin cones, Skin necrosis, Wound separation, Slough, Hair loss, Pain, Irritation, Nerve injury (Numbness, weakness), Bruising, Swelling, Cysts, Overcorrection, Undercorrection, Asymmetry, Recurrent redundancy, Aesthetic imperfections, Eye irritation / dryness / injury, Need for further surgery, Allergic reaction. Endoscopic browlift: Paralysis / Failure of fixation device / Palpable fixation device / elevated hairline. (General anaesthetic: Chest infection, Heart attack, Stroke, Blood clots in legs & lungs). N.B. Most complications are unlikely. Serious risks or death are rare
Risk factors Smoking / contraception / flights within 6 weeks of surgery, overweight, high blood pressure, bleeding tendency (Stop herbal products or supplements for two weeks before surgery), diabetes, pre-existing eye problems
Optimising factors Diet rich in Vitamin C and protein, plenty of fluids, fresh air, scar massage, sun protection
Discomfort 1 - 2 weeks
Bruising 2 - 3 weeks
Recovery Light activities and Driving 1-2 weeks, Physical work & sports 6 weeks
Acceptable appearance 2 - 4 weeks for most patients (This is subjective)
Final result 6 - 18 months
Alternatives No Surgery, Make-up, Botulinum toxin ("Botox"), Eyelid surgery

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